Homemade Pizza Night-Using a simple delicious dough

January 28, 2019

Ok, let me just say this, I cook all day for a large amount of Middle School kids and sometimes I don't make dinner.

 Whew! I feel better just saying that out loud. I love to cook, but sometimes time and energy are done by time I get home. In 2019, I have a goal of cooking more at home. 

Tonight, we made pizza, and I loved this for many reasons.


As a Mom, you know it goes(well at least in my life) I always end up eating whatever pizza choice the kids are having. 

My kids only eat cheese and pepperoni so, it is a treat to make mine at home and put the good stuff on it(mushrooms and black olives)

I was cruising thru the store and found this bistro pizza dough and it helped that it was a BOGO item. 


Then I gathered all my favorite toppings and cheese. Dinner is done....well almost. 

This dough is very easy to use, just unroll and go and the best part it is on oven safe parchment paper and your pizza cooks right on the paper. No sticky doughy mess.

Top with your favorite toppings and cheese and pop in the oven for about 12-14 minutes.

Here is a lovely pizza with black olives & mushrooms, just for me. My kids enjoyed their basic cheese pizza and made it without my help. So, I'll be over here trying to make baby steps on my 2019 goals of more home cooking and this pizza will probably be on my weekly menu. 

Look at me planning a menu.....we will see how it goes.

What are your favorite pizza toppings?
 & What's for dinner?

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